• AAFP Global Health Summit Abstract Submission 

    Sunday, September 22—Monday, September 23, 2024
    Phoenix Convention Center | Phoenix, AZ
    A Preconference to

    SOAR Together, Global Health for All

    Global Health Summit Logo

    Submission of abstracts is now closed.

    Where Global Health Takes Flight is this year’s conference focus. As you work on your presentations, please incorporate the learning objectives by demonstrating how to:

    • Assess your strengths and needs regarding participating in future global health partnerships and/or enriching current partnerships
    • Identify best practices of ethical and anti-racist engagement with global partners to work towards equity
    • Describe management of noncommunicable and infectious diseases in resource-constrained settings
    • Develop your leadership skills as mentors and teachers of students, residents, and clinician partners in global health endeavors
    • Support family medicine faculty and training programs in global settings
    • Explore opportunities to “think globally” in local settings

    Please note: There is a limit of three submissions per presenter.

    Submission Process

    All presenters, co-presenters, and authors must complete the "CME Disclosure Policy and Form” at the time of submission. Abstracts will not be reviewed without a disclosure filed for all listed presenters and authors.

    For AAFP members:

    1. Go to www.aafp.org/conflict
    2. Select option 1. Use your AAFP username and password.
    3. Choose your role(s).
    4. Check the appropriate box, whether you have a financial relationship to disclose or not.
    5. If there are disclosures, please select all relationships that apply.
    6. Click the submit button to submit your form.

    For nonmembers:
    Please create an AAFP account to submit your form online.

    1. Visit aafp.org/account/home/new and follow the instructions to set up your account.
    2. Once you have set up your account, you will have an AAFP username and password.
    3. Follow steps 1 through 6 in the For AAFP Members section above to complete the CME Disclosure Policy and form.

    The words and images we use to explain our work matter. Please review the Speaker's Guide  and share it with your co-presenters. 

    We aim to create a Global Health Summit where people who identify with any culture, race, country, or creed feel equally welcome, and where the agency of all people is recognized, including colleagues and patients in countries where our members engage in global health work.

    Each submission should include the following:

    Submission of abstracts is closed.

    Plan Now for Global Health Summit 2025

    Call for 2025 proposals will open August 2024. Details to come.