• Resident Member of the AAFP Board of Directors

    The application cycle for this position is closed. This position is elected at the AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students, which candidates should plan to attend. Applications will open again in Spring 2025.

    See below for details on this role, as well as the current travel calendar associated with serving in this position. 

    Bring a resident perspective to high-level decision-making discussions of the AAFP Board of Directors. This opportunity includes social media and public relations training, as well as unique mentoring opportunities with established leaders in family medicine. Read the full position description for AAFP Director for detailed information on qualifications, time commitment, and responsibilities associated with this role.   


    Term: September 25, 2024-October 8, 2025

    • Bring the resident perspective to all AAFP Board deliberations
    • Help orient other resident officers to the AAFP governance and policy
    • Communicate issues of importance to the appropriate AAFP commissions
    • Coordinate the discussions of the resident delegation at the AAFP Congress of Delegates
    • Attend all AAFP Board of Directors meetings as a voting member
    • Serve on the AAFP Commission on Education Subcommittee on Resident and Student Issues
    • Attend meetings of a Commission for which you serve as a Board liaison according to AAFP Board policy
    • Attend National Conference the year following election, including facilitating the candidates’ forum
    • Attend two Congress of Delegates and AAFP FMX meetings
    • Attend the National Conference of Constituent Leaders/Annual Chapter Leaders Forum (NCCL/ACLF)
    • Attend other meetings as directed by the Board Chair

    Application Summary

    Candidates for this position are elected at the AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. Candidates should plan to attend the entirety of the conference. Candidates are required to be nominated at the conference, deliver a 2 - 3 minute speech, participate in a candidate Q&A, and, if elected, participate in a new officer orientation Saturday afternoon of the conference.

    Required elements of the application include:

    • Completed application form (online)
    • Letter of interest
    • Letter of support from your program director
    • Support form completed by your AAFP chapter (state or constituent chapter)
    • Completed conflict of interest disclosure
    • Photo

    Letters and forms can be uploaded or requested through the online application system. For detailed information on application materials, visit the How to Apply page. It is important to connect with your local AAFP Chapter as soon as possible to express your interest in this position, as some chapters have required processes that need to happen before applying.

    Note: The resident member of the Board will not be eligible to later serve on the AAFP Board as new physician representative.

    Meet Current Resident Leaders

    Read Annual Reports

    Questions? Contact AAFP leadership staff at getinvolved@aafp.org.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • At least one year of national level experience in AAFP leadership (National Conference Chair, National Delegate, National FMIG Coordinator, AAFP commission member, or representative to Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) or Association of Family Medicine Program Directors (AFMRD) or AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees)
    • Must have residency director’s endorsement that time away from residency will be granted to attend meetings

    Time commitment away from residency: Approximately 45-50 days (includes weekends) for travel and attendance at meetings

    Funding: Provided for meeting attendance according to AAFP Board of Director reimbursement policies beginning the Wednesday of the first COD/FMX you attend. Once in effect, reimbursement policies cover all days required to travel for Board business.

    Meeting Schedule

     COD/FMX/Board Meeting September 20-28, 2024 Phoenix, AZ
    Board Meeting December 3-7, 2024 Kansas City, MO
    AAFP Winter Cluster Commission Meetings January 24-26, 2025 Kansas City, MO 
    Board Meeting February 25-28, 2025 Washington, DC (location tentative)
    AAFP ACLF/NCCL April 24-26, 2025 Kansas City, MO
    AAFP Summer Cluster June 7-8, 2025 Virtual
    Board Meeting July 22-26, 2025 Minneapolis, MN
    AAFP National Conference July 31-August 2, 2025 Kansas City, MO
    Board of Directors/COD/FMX October 1-10 Anaheim, CA