• FAQs: Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA)

    What is a Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA)?

    The ABFM has made changes to the former Self-Assessment Module (SAM) by breaking the Knowledge Assessment (now known as the Knowledge Self-Assessment or KSA) and the Clinical Simulation (Clinical Self-Assessment or CSA) into two separate activities. Either or both of these activities may now be completed to earn CME credit:

    • KSA - 8 AAFP Prescribed credits;
    • CSA - 4 AAFP Prescribed credits

    When did this ABFM change go into effect?

    July 21, 2016.

    How will the ABFM changes affect the AAFP-hosted SAM Working Groups?

    Working Groups will still be offered and will now include 8 live AAFP Prescribed Credits by the hosting organization. “SAM Working Group” name has changed to “KSA Working Group.”

    What if I’ve already registered for one of the AAFP-hosted SAM Working Groups above?

    You will be re-registered into the same KSA Working Group (with no additional effort or charge to you) and receive 8 live AAFP Prescribed Credits from the AAFP upon completion of the Working Group.

    Will the AAFP continue to report my answers to the Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA) to the ABFM for reporting/Family Medicine Certification purposes?

    Yes, upon completion of the KSA Working Group, AAFP staff will report your answers and your completion of the Knowledge Self-Assessment to the ABFM. No further effort will be required on your part.

    Will I need to file for my CME credit for the KSA Working Group?

    No, the ABFM will electronically transmit your CME credit to the AAFP so you may find it on your AAFP CME transcript shortly after the live event.