Website maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, and Sunday, January 19. Short disruptions will occur during these days.
The following will guide you through the submission form step by step. You may print this information to use as you craft your submission.
After you enter your AAFP ID number, your personal contact information will automatically be pre-populated in the application form. If you do not have an AAFP ID, you will have the opportunity to create an account.
Please update displayed contact information.
Verify that you have completed a recent AAFP’s CME Disclosure Form.
The applicant must read the CME Disclosure Policy and submit the CME Disclosure form (Option 1). The applicant must disclose online to the AAFP the existence of any financial relationships with ineligible companies that have occurred within the previous 24 months (36 months for journal editors and editorial board members) and might occur within the foreseeable future. An ineligible company is defined as one whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. Individuals must disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies, regardless of the amount or the potential relevance to the education. Should the status change during the course of the application process or the activity, the CME disclosure form should be updated as appropriate. CME disclosure forms must be completed or updated in order for submissions to be reviewed.
Having a financial relationship does not preclude an individual from presenting. If any financial relationship is determined to be a potential relevant financial relationship as it relates to the topic(s) submitted for the CME activity, the applicant will be notified, and a mitigation strategy will be discussed. For individuals with a relevant financial relationship, a mitigation strategy must be in place prior to confirmation of the individual’s participation and all relevant financial relationships must be appropriately mitigated and resolved prior to the activity being delivered to learners.
All relevant financial relationships (as determined by the AAFP) or lack therefore, must be disclosed to learners, and AAFP staff will include that information in the PowerPoint presentation to be verbally noted by the presenter at the beginning of the session. Any individual who refuses to disclose a relevant financial relationships will be disqualified from presenting.
The AAFP complies with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education’s (ACCME’s) Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) ethics policies, and other laws, regulations, and codes that pertain to CME disclosure. All faculty are required to read and comply with the AAFP’s CME disclosure policy. Noncompliance will result in honorarium penalties and one-year probation from a faculty appointment.
All activities must comply with AAFP, AMA and ACCME rules and therefore, must be educational in nature. If you have a financial interest, such as a book or a mobile app, it is permissible to mention only if it is educational in nature and done so in a fair and balanced manner. Promotional messages of any kind are prohibited in CME.
Acknowledgment that your presentation may be recorded.
We will use the insights gained from this data to ensure our selection of faculty and our recruitment strategies are diverse, inclusive, and representative of our overall membership.
All proposal topics are grouped by category. Select the appropriate category, then select the topic that correlates to your proposal application.
Provide a title for your proposal no more than 80 characters including spaces.
Describe the problem, or gap in practice or knowledge you are addressing; and what the learner can expect to take away from this education.
Please cite the sources (websites, journals, and databases) used to identify the practice gaps described above. Include at least 3 peer-reviewed sources in AMA citation format.
Describe the behavior in measurable terms that you would expect the learner to be able to do when they return to practice. (e.g. Develop a strategy to appropriately screen for eye conditions commonly associated with type 2 diabetes.) This is not a list of how you plan to teach. See Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives.
a. Have a direct bearing on a physician’s ability to deliver patient care
b. Assist physicians in carrying out their professional responsibilities more effectively and efficiently
c. Directly support the profession of family medicine
The AAFP is interested in designing education that aligns with certain strategic priorities. Please indicate if your proposal aligns with any the following priorities:
We are seeking proposals that integrate exciting ways to use new technology:
Have you served as AAFP CME faculty in the last two years?
Please list one to three previous presentations that are relevant to this topic. Include dates, events, type and size of the audience, and evaluation score (converted to a 0-5 Likert scale where 0 is low and 5 is high).
You will be prompted to upload your most recent CV.
Indicate your interest in being contacted by the AAFP regarding faculty opportunities that may arise outside of the context of this proposal.
All sections of the application must be completed prior to submission. You may save and return to your application to complete it before submitting.