• Information for Tar Wars Coordinators

    State coordinators are the backbone of Tar Wars and are important to the overall grassroots success of the program. Coordinators are responsible for the organization, operation, and administration of Tar Wars in their state. They also run the state's annual poster contest (optional).

    Some states may also have regional or co-coordinators. Their role is to collaborate with the lead coordinator in their state. Local coordinators are not listed on the state contact page and are encouraged to communicate with and work in conjunction with their state's regional coordinators.

    Both state and regional coordinators must accept the terms of their position as outlined by AAFP Tar Wars before they can be listed on the contact page for their state.

    Suggested Timeline for Implementing Tar Wars

    August – October

    • Read the Coordinator Guide.
    • Send participation letters and forms to potential schools and presenters.


    • Send participating schools and presenters information on how to obtain the program guide(www.tarwars.org).


    • Match schools with available presenters.

    January – May

    • Oversee Tar Wars presentations.
    • If you are organizing a poster contest for your state, set deadline for schools to submit their winning poster.
    • Plan your state poster contest: set date, secure location, select judges, prepare scoring sheet, solicit prize donations, and arrange for media coverage.