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  • NCCL Resolutions

    Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - Saturday, April 26, 2025

    Resolution Writing

    Resolution writing is a great way to hone your advocacy skills. Starting as an idea, a resolution can develop into a formal proposal or recommendation. The purpose of a resolution from NCCL may be to establish AAFP policy, request investigation or implementation of an AAFP program, address issues of concern, or request the elimination of non-essential AAFP activities. Constituency discussion groups are ideal forums for generating resolutions.

    To be considered, resolutions must:

    • Address only one issue;
    • Include “whereas” clause(s) that are stated clearly, factually, and are limited to relevant information;
    • Include “resolved” clause(s) that stand alone without the rest of the document present (clear and concise, positively stating the action or policy called for by the resolution);
    • Include a statement explaining any fiscal implications necessary to implement the “resolved” clause(s);
    • Be endorsed by at least two NCCL Chapter Delegates (Active AAFP members only) at this conference; and
    • Be submitted online at

    Each resolution is assigned to a reference committee. The Conference Manager determines the ultimate designation of which reference committee will act on a resolution. This determination looks at the relevance of the issue, the possible grouping of like issues for consideration, and the relative workload of each committee. At the publicized time, the committee hears testimony on its resolutions. The author of the resolution is allowed to testify first if so desired. Then, anyone with an interest in the resolution being discussed may offer input. Learn more about reference committees.

    Each reference committee presents its recommendations via consent calendar during the final business session. After all actions have been taken (adopted, not adopted, reaffirmed), resolutions that have been adopted are forwarded to the Board of Directors and assigned to appropriate AAFP commissions. Any resolution that has been directly forwarded to the AAFP Congress of Delegates will be reviewed first by the Commission on Membership and Member Services.

    Reference committees and business sessions are open to all NCCL attendees. General registrants may co-author resolutions and testify on issues during sessions, but to vote on resolutions in the business session, you must be a chapter delegate. Contact your chapter to learn how to participate as a chapter delegate.