The website may be down at times on Saturday, February 15, and Sunday, February 16, for maintenance. 

  • Respiratory Health

    Family physicians play a vital role in identifying chronic respiratory conditions that impact a patient's quality of life. By detecting these conditions at patient visits, you can refer them to specialists earlier, leading to faster diagnosis and treatment. You're also a source of education about these conditions, which is key to early detection and may lead to better health outcomes.

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    COPD Resource Guide*

    Use this guide to identify online resources to help your patients and support them in self-management at each point in their COPD care. Many can printed out during office visits for patients who have limited technology access.

    *Funded Project with GSK

    COPD: Clinical Guidance and Practice Resources

    The AAFP provides clinical recommendations for preventing and managing acute and chronic conditions like COPD. COPD Exacerbation Management offers key recommendations for adults with acute exacerbations of COPD.

    COPD Educational Poster*

    The "Intervention Opportunities in COPD Management" poster offers treatment touchpoints in the management of a patient's COPD over time, with the goal of preventing exacerbations.

    *Funded Project with GSK

    On-Demand Webcast: Spectrum of COPD Treatment*

    This free webcast covers care coordination best practices, co-morbidities associated with COPD, environmental factors, and how social determinants of health influence the condition. 

    *Funded Project with American Thoracic Society

    Video Series: Interviewing for COPD*

    See how family physicians can effectively interview and assess different types of patients for COPD.

    Video 1: Patient Presenting
    With Dyspnea 

    Video 2: Assessment of Patient
    Presenting With Dyspnea 

    Video 3: Patient Presenting With
    Recent Episodes of Exacerbation 

    Video 4: Assessment of Patient Presenting
    With Recent Episodes of Exacerbation 

    *Funded Project with GSK

    Other Chronic Respiratory Diseases

    Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)*

    The disease is rare and its primary signs and symptoms - breathlessness, cough, and decline in lung function - make it difficult to distinguish among other interstitial lung diseases (ILDs).

    *Produced in collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.