• Healthy Communities Collaborative Evaluation

    Study Description and Methods

    The AAFP National Research Network will conduct an external evaluation of The Healthy Communities Collaborative™ (HCC) program. During this study we will evaluate the ongoing process of monitoring the fidelity of the program components and delivery, thus providing real-time feedback to the project implementation team, while focusing on the proposed outcomes measures.

    The following measures will be used in the evaluation:

    • Site visits
    • Field notes/observations
    • Structured interviews with physician leaders
    • Semi-structured interviews with practice staff
    • Clinical Staff Questionnaire (CSQ) completed by all members of the practice
    • Random Patient Chart Audits

    Specific Aims and Objectives

    The specific aims of the evaluation will align with the specific aims of the HCC project:

    1. Evaluation of HCC Focus 1: Practice Organization & Leadership
    2. Evaluation of HCC Focus 2: Practice Measurement, Assessment & Improvement
    3. Evaluation of HCC Focus 3: Practice Redesign: Chronic Care Model
    4. Evaluation of HCC Focus 4: Clinical Care and Performance
    5. Overall Process Evaluation of the HCC program


    This project was conducted January 2011 through December 2012.


    Data analysis is completed.

    Contact Information

    For additional information about this study, please contact:

    Craig Smail, MSc
    Research Project Manager
    AAFP National Research Network
    1-800-274-2237, x3185

    This evaluation is funded by the AAFP CME Division.