• EHR Inbox

    For every electronic health record (EHR) inbox burden, the AAFP offers innovative techniques and technologies to change your practice environment. Each of these “T’s” provides an overview of EHR inbox burden, describes its impact on family physicians, and discusses innovations that can provide relief. 

    ehr inbox icon

    Innovations to Change Your Practice Environment


    Adopt practical techniques that optimize current processes and workflows to improve the work environment.


    Choose an innovative technology or service that offers promise in reducing and even eliminating EHR inbox burden.

    We are working to put innovation within your reach. Learn how we got here.

    What is the AAFP doing to help with EHR inbox burden?

    The electronic health record is a critical tool for improving patient health and health care delivery and a cornerstone of health information technology. Widespread use of EHR technology promises to transform both the delivery of care and the development of public health initiatives but getting to less administrative complexity won't come without complication. The Academy carefully weighs prospective regulations and policy to ensure that HIT implementation and other shifts in the health IT landscape ultimately benefit family physicians.