• Resident Member of the Annals of Family Medicine Editorial Advisory Board

    The application cycle for this position is closed. All applicants will be notified by September 15, 2024. Applications for this position are reviewed by the AAFP Resident and Student Leadership Screening/Selection Committee and appointed by the AAFP Board of Directors. Applications will open again Spring 2025.

    The Annals of Family Medicine is a peer-reviewed clinical research journal dedicated to advancing knowledge essential to understanding and improving health and primary care. Published in print and online six times a year, the journal seeks to identify and address important questions in health and the provision of patient-centered, prioritized, high-quality health care. It publishes original research, methodology and theory, as well as essays from reflective clinicians, patients, families, communities and policymakers.

    The Editorial Advisory Board consists of more than 20 members, including leaders in primary care, primary care research, health care, health and medical education.


    Term: September 15, 2024 – September 14, 2025

    • Attend one meeting per year, usually held in the fall in conjunction with the annual meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG).
    • Participate in an activity of interest to you and the journal. This could include helping develop and maintain the journal's social media presence, writing Annals Journal Club questions, or other.

    Application Summary

    Candidates for this position are appointed by the AAFP Board of Directors at the recommendation of the AAFP Resident and Student Screening/Selection Committee.

    Required elements of the application include:

    • Completed application form
    • Letter of Interest
    • Letter of support from your program director
    • Support form completed by your AAFP chapter (state or constituent chapter)
    • Completed conflict of interest disclosure
    • Photo

    Letters and forms can be uploaded or requested through the online application system.  For detailed information on application materials, visit the How to Apply page. It is important to connect with your local AAFP Chapter as soon as possible to express your interest in this position, as some chapters have required processes that need to happen before applying. Candidates will be notified of their selection by October 31. 

    Meet Current Resident Leaders

    Read Annual Reports

    Questions? Contact AAFP leadership staff at getinvolved@aafp.org.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • A demonstrated interest in family medicine research
    • Working knowledge of social media including Facebook and Twitter is preferred

    Time commitment away from medical school: 2-4 days

    Funding: Annals of Family Medicine will reimburse the resident representative for meeting expenses.

    Meeting Schedule

    North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting November 20-24, 2024 Québec City Convention Center, Canada
    AAFP National Conference July 31-August 2, 2025 Kansas City, MO