• Federal Agency Seeks Your Comments on Diabetes Issues

    January 27, 2020 04:07 pm News Staff –  Whether they practice in sprawling academic medical centers or hang up their shingles in small towns across America, family physicians treat people with diabetes every day. They witness the effects of diabetes firsthand. They know what works and what doesn't in managing the disease. In that regard, FPs who work on the front lines of diabetes care possess a level of expertise that is difficult to match.

    That may explain why the National Clinical Care Commission, an agency charged with evaluating federal diabetes programs, is inviting family physicians -- and other members of the public -- to comment on a series of questions about diabetes prevention and treatment. Questions cover topics such as specific recommendations for federal agencies, best practices, and limitations and gaps in federal programs.

    Established in April 2018, NCCC consists of 23 voting members, including three family physicians.

    Interested parties can visit the online solicitation of comments to view the questions available for comment and find out more about the commenting process. Comments may be submitted electronically or via postal mail to:

    Public Commentary
    National Clinical Care Commission
    1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 420
    Rockville, MD 20852

    Members of the public have until 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 3 to review the questions and submit comments. Both individuals and organizations are encouraged to participate.

    The commission will conduct additional activities until October 2021, at which time it will submit a final report of findings and recommendations to Congress and the HHS secretary.

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