March 27, 2020 02:44 pm News Staff – In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Annals of Family Medicine has announced a call for papers containing COVID-19 related content. Annals is inviting clinicians on the front lines of primary care research and practice to submit topical reports, original research, research briefs, innovations in primary care and essays, which will be added to the journal's COVID-19 Collection page as they are vetted.
"We seek up-to-date ideas and innovations relating to the vast transformation of health care and family medicine at this time," the call for papers states, adding that authors are encouraged to "tell us about changes you have made or experiences you are having in your practice, institution and/or community as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Although Annals is a peer-reviewed research journal, it's important to note that the new content published on the collection page will be open-access, preprint and pre-peer review.
The collection will include four types of primary care-relevant information related to COVID-19:
Prospective contributors may share their COVID-19 work in one of two ways:
Individuals can also receive push notifications whenever new content is added to the COVID-19 collection page by following Annals on Twitter or subscribing to receive email updates.