• Official Announcement

    Congress of Delegates to Convene Sept. 19-21 in Washington, D.C. 

    Check Out AAFP Candidates’ Website

    June 10, 2022, 7:49 p.m. News Staff — Finally! After two years of not being able to mingle with your AAFP Congress of Delegates colleagues in person, you’ll be able to shake hands, fist-bump and hug to your heart’s content during this year's COD.  Make plans now to travel to Washington, D.C., where AAFP officers, Board directors, chapter and constituency delegates, chapter staff, and other members will meet Sept. 19-21 in the Convention Center/Marriott Marquis. The COD will convene in conjunction with the 2022 AAFP Family Medicine Experience, which is scheduled for Sept. 21-23.

    COD logo

    During the COD's reference committee hearings on Sept. 19, AAFP members will have a chance to share their views on resolutions up for consideration and, thus, help shape new Academy policies. Delegates will vote on those resolutions, along with extracted items from the virtual reference committee hearings of the 2021 COD, during subsequent business sessions. On Sept. 21, the delegates will elect AAFP officers and members of the Board of Directors from the 10 candidates vying for office.

    But before then, members can review each candidate’s personal statement and find out more about them — what they’ve accomplished and what they consider important — by exploring the 2022 AAFP Candidates webpage

    From there, you can link to each candidate’s individual page, where you can access that candidate’s

    • contact information,
    • personal statement,
    • biography and
    • curriculum vitae.

    Note that you’ll need to be logged in to access these pages.

    If you find you share common ground with certain candidates on issues that are important to you, your practice and your patients, consider asking your delegates to the COD to vote for those candidates.

    In addition, although the AAFP's Candidate Campaign Activities and Rules document states that candidates for Academy offices may not use official AAFP social media channels (e.g., AAFP Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) for campaigning purposes, candidates are welcome to use the official COD event hashtag -- #aafpcod -- in any messages sent from their personal Twitter accounts, including campaign messages. Academy members with Twitter accounts can use that COD hashtag to follow campaign activities and other events leading up to the election.

    Further information about this year’s COD is available online, including links to a tentative schedule of official activities, information on housing and a registration portal,  as well as a listing of resolutions submitted to date.

    You can also access an agenda of extracted items from the 2021 COD virtual reference committees that await action by delegates.

    Finally, find information about this year’s FMX — the AAFP’s largest annual meeting — take a look at highlights from the 2021 virtual meeting, and find dates and locations for upcoming FMX gatherings all in one place


    Andrew Carroll, M.D.

    Andrew Carroll, M.D.

    Steven Furr, M.D.

    Steven Furr, M.D.


    Russell Kohl, MD

    Russell Kohl, M.D.

    Vice Speaker

    Daron Gersch, MD

    Daron Gersch, M.D.


    Kisha Davis, MD, MPH

    Kisha Davis, M.D., M.P.H.

    Jay Lee, MD, MPH

    Jay Lee, M.D., M.P.H.

    Teresa Lovins, MD

    Teresa Lovins, M.D.