• 2019 MIPS Data Submission Deadline Approaching Fast

    Submit Data by March 31

    March 06, 2020 04:00 pm News Staff -- Attention, family physicians: If you haven't already submitted your 2019 Merit-based Incentive Payment System data, the deadline is now less than a month away.

    march 31 deadline image

    CMS recently sent a reminder that MIPS-eligible clinicians who participated in the 2019 performance period of CMS' Quality Payment Program have until 8 p.m. EDT on March 31 to report their 2019 MIPS data.

    Failure to report will result in a negative 7% adjustment to 2021 Medicare Part B payments.

    To submit data, clinicians need to follow these steps:

    • Go to the QPP website.
    • Sign in with your QPP access credentials. (See directions below.)
    • Submit 2019 MIPS data (or review the data reported on your behalf by a third party).

    Clinicians must register with the Health Care Quality Information Systems Authorization Roles and Profile system to sign in and submit data. The QPP Access User Guide is available for clinicians who need help enrolling in the system.

    FPs and other clinicians who aren't sure whether they are required to participate in the QPP can check their eligibility status using the QPP Participation Status Lookup Tool. Clinicians and groups that are opt-in eligible will need to make an election before they can submit data; no election is required for those who do not want to participate in MIPS.

    Support is available at no cost for clinicians in small practices (including those in rural locations), health professional shortage areas and medically underserved areas through the QPP's Small, Underserved and Rural Practices initiative.

    It's important to note that the data submission period through the CMS web interface for accountable care organizations and preregistered groups and virtual groups also closes at 8 p.m. EDT on March 31.

    Many clinicians have reported quality measures via Medicare Part B claims submitted throughout the 2019 performance period. Clinicians can sign in to QPP to receive preliminary feedback on their claims measure data processed to date. CMS will update this feedback at the end of the submission period.

    Have questions on how to submit data?

    For personalized help, contact QPP's experts by email or by phone at 1-866-288-8292. It is recommended that clinicians call during non-peak hours (before 10 a.m. and after 2 p.m. EDT) to speak with an expert more quickly.

    Clinicians can also visit the program's Help and Support page for additional assistance.