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News Release: Family Medicine Welcomes New Residents in the Match Program.
The 2022 National Resident Matching Program® Main Residency Match (NRMP) results announced today indicate that this is largest class of family medicine residents in history.
AAFP Analysis: 2022 Match® Results for Family Medicine
The American Academy of Family Physicians’ brief analysis of the family medicine results of the annual National Resident Matching Program Main Residency Match® provides a snapshot of a major input into the primary care workforce pipeline.
AAFP News: Family Medicine Welcomes Largest Class of Residents Ever
“We congratulate the students who have matched into family medicine this year, and applaud their dedication to primary care, which is a cornerstone of our nation’s health care system,” said Ada Stewart, MD, Board Chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
“Family medicine is closely tied to robust patient-physician relationships, versatility and adaptability in a career, and a strong bond to our communities. Amid a public health crisis and a population with diverse health care needs, we need more family physicians to curb the primary care shortage in the U.S.,” said Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, AAFP Senior Vice President, Education."
Graph: Family Medicine in the NRMP Match 2012-2022
This year, family medicine offered 4,935 positions, up 91 from the 4,844 positions in 2021 and the most positions in the history of the specialty. It is anticipated that most of those positions will fill in the NRMP Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program. It is likely that the 2022 class of family medicine residents will be the largest in the specialty’s history.
Family Medicine:
Collaborating to Achieve the Optimal Family Medicine Workforce
When the Family Medicine for America’s Health Workforce Education and Development Tactic Team began its work in December 2014, one of its charges from the FMAHealth Board was to increase family physician production to achieve the diverse primary care workforce the United States needs. The WEDTT created a multilevel interfunctional team to work on this priority initiative that included a focus on student, resident, and early-career physician involvement and leadership development. One major outcome was the adoption of a shared aim, known as 25 x 2030.
Annals of Family Medicine:
The Future of Family Medicine Residency Education: The Specialty Has Spoken
An update from representatives of the specialty of Family Medicine who came together at the fourth Starfield Summit to provide input for the development of the next version of ACGME Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Family Medicine, expected to be implemented in 2022.
Introducing the Best Practice Guide for Strategic Planning to Increase Student Choice of Family Medicine
The family of Family Medicine has created several initiatives to increase student choice of Family Medicine over the years. The most recent is a set of strategies recommended by the Family Medicine for America’s Health (FMAHealth) Workforce Education and Development.Tactic Team which has become the current collective effort to increase student interest, America Needs More Family Doctors: 25x2030.
A Shared Aim for Student Choice of Family Medicine: An Update from ADFM and Family Medicine for America's Health
Recently, through the Family Medicine for America’s Health Workforce team, 8 family medicine organizations endorsed a “shared aim” to: increase the percentage of US senior allopathic and osteopathic medical students choosing family medicine from 12% to 25% by 2030. Twenty-five percent is a stretch goal aligning current efforts and resources with the ultimate primary care workforce goal of 40%.