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Am Fam Physician. 1998;57(5):921
What do U.S. adults enjoy doing to pamper themselves? According to a Roper Starch Worldwide survey, taking a day off from work was cited by 23 percent of men and 15 percent of women. Buying clothing was cited by 19 percent of men and 36 percent of women, and eating a special dessert by 15 percent of men and 26 percent of women, says American Demographics.
Ninety-seven percent of large employers offer spending accounts as a child care benefit, according to a survey reported in Employee Benefit Plan Review. Resource and referral services are offered as a benefit by 40 percent of large employers, and access to sick or emergency care is offered by 13 percent.
Pediatrics reports that a mother's age at delivery seems to affect her kid's chances of being successful in the future. As compared to children of mothers who were over 25 at delivery, children of younger mothers (especially teen mothers) were more likely to become teenage mothers themselves and to receive public financial support.
Even when the TV is turned off it could be dangerous to your kids. The Radiological Society of North America warns parents that today's television sets are larger and lighter than older models, and children playing near or on a set could be crushed or otherwise seriously injured by a toppling TV.
Punch now, pay later. Researchers found that of 42 patients with knuckle injuries from landing a punch, 10 of the 13 who waited at least two days before seeking treatment received lengthy hospitalization and were permanently disabled; only three regained full or nearly full painless range of motion. The 25 patients who sought treatment within 24 hours all regained full, pain-free motion and did not require hospitalization, says Physician's Weekly.
Just what is important to health care consumers? The Center for Health Design has completed phase one of a multi-year study and has some useful results to share. The people want a health care environment with “dimensions” such as: connecting to important others, conducive to well-being, convenient and accessible, caring for the family, considerate of their impairments, clear in its expectations and close to nature. Now you know.
Ben and Jerry's ice cream company has been going against the grain again. The company has fought for and won the right to use labels on their products that oppose the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone. According to AWI Quarterly (published by the Animal Welfare Institute), Ben and Jerry wanted customers to know that their suppliers don't use or support the use of the FDA-approved hormone, which has been shown to increase infections of the udder.
A study reported in the American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal evaluated the effect of personal hygiene on the blood lead levels of workers at a lead processing facility. Workers with high blood lead levels shared one or more of these habits: resting their hands in their laps (where lead from work clothes could get on hands), fiddling with change or keys, biting their fingernails and having visible dirt under their fingernails.