Am Fam Physician. 1998;57(10):2302
Prompted by AFP's continuing popularity and widening audience, and by the concomitant increase in the number of requests we receive from readers, we recently created a department of the AAFP Publications Division that specializes in reader services. The reader services department handles a variety of inquiries, such as requests for copies of articles from AFP or its companion publication Family Practice Management. Reader services staff often help readers locate AFP or FPM articles on specific topics or search for other information. The department also processes quiz cards that readers send in for CME credit, handles requests for permission to reprint materials from AFP and FPM, and orders bulk reprints of individual articles.
Filling these requests is no small task, as you'll see from these statistics:
In 1997, the reader services staff processed a total of 197,181 AFP quiz cards and 41,568 FPM quiz cards—representing a staggering average of 19,896 cards per month.
Last year we received 40 requests for bulk reprints of articles from AFP or FPM (in quantities over 100). The largest number of reprints ever ordered in one request was 150,000.
So far this year, readers looking for individual articles or for information on specified topics have requested an average of nearly 120 copies of AFP or FPM articles per month.
How should readers direct their requests? Requests for permissions to reprint materials from AFP and requests for bulk reprints of articles should be directed to Renee Anthuis, and requests for copies of articles or article searches should be directed to Ariana Reeder. The person to contact if you notice your issue is missing its quiz card is Wilma Nickum. The reader services department can be reached by telephone (816-333-9700; Renee—ext. 3102, Ariana—ext. 3103, Wilma—ext. 3105) or fax (816-333-0303) or e-mail (afpserv@aafp.org).
If you would like to order a subscription or obtain back copies of AFP, you should contact the order department (telephone: 800-944-0000) rather than the reader services department. If you move, you'll need to notify the appropriate organization at least six weeks in advance to ensure uninterrupted delivery. AAFP members should notify the membership division of address changes, non-member physicians should contact the AMA or AOA, and paid subscribers should contact the circulation department. Questions about your subscription should be directed to the circulation department (800-274-2237, ext. 3166).