Am Fam Physician. 2003;67(4):679
In my last column, I emphasized that AFP depends on feedback from readers to help determine the editorial direction of the journal. Each year we conduct several written surveys and invite readers to participate in focus groups or interviews. We read and share all of your e-mails and letters, looking for ways to serve you better. Sometimes we find that we're providing a service that people don't seem to know about, and sometimes we find that we've overlooked something readers might find useful.
We have an open-door policy for readers, with a standing invitation to contact us with feedback. We value your opinion and always share your comments with our editors. You can use the directory page to find out how to give us feedback or to find the person you should contact if you need help with a problem (see page 675).
If you have general comments, you can contact us by whatever means is convenient:
You can send your general comments to us via e-mail at afpedit@aafp.org, or you can e-mail me directly at jwright@aafp.org.
You can call us at 800–274–2237 (ask for me at ext. 5108), or you can fax comments to us at 913–906–6080.
You can write to us (American Family Physician, Editorial Department, American Academy of Family Physicians, 11400 Tomahawk Creek Pkwy., Leawood, KS 66211–2672).
Now AFP is offering readers another way to express their opinions. AFP is looking for a broad cross-section of reader representatives who would be willing to volunteer some feedback from time to time. Perhaps you've never had a chance to participate in one of our mail surveys or talk to our editors and would like a chance to contribute. For just a small investment of your time, you can help AFP's editors decide how best to spend their time to meet your needs, by joining the AFP Panel of Reader Representatives. All you would be asked to do is answer an occasional e-mail query about the content or format of AFP or give your opinion about possible products or services. Even if you choose not to enroll in the panel, we would appreciate hearing from you and look forward to your comments.
If you are interested in becoming a reader representative for AFP, please fill out the accompanying form and mail it or fax it to us.