Am Fam Physician. 2004;70(7):1197
AFP’s editors work toward offering a variety of topics in each issue, covering diagnosis and treatment of diseases commonly seen in primary care. This issue offers a review of osteoporosis, representing the 2004 Annual Clinical Focus (ACF) of the American Academy of Family Physicians on caring for the aging population. This issue also includes coverage of topics in infectious diseases, women’s health, and adolescent health. Take a quick tour of this issue:
• Caring for the Aging Population: On page 1293, you’ll find the ACF article on pharmacologic prevention of osteoporotic fractures, by Thomas M. Zizic, M.D. Dr. Zizic reviews bisphosphonates, which are the most effective agents for reducing the risk of vertebral and nonvertebral fractures. Other options include teriparatide, raloxifene, and salmon calcitonin. An accompanying editorial by Margaret Gourlay, M.D., M.P.H., entitled “Osteoporosis Management: Out of Subspecialty Care and into Primary Care,” appears on page 1219.
Other ACF-related topics include “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia,” a report from Clinical Evidence on page 1325, and screening for dementia, in “Putting Prevention into Practice,” based on reports from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, on page 1329.
• Infectious Diseases: On page 1279, see the cover article “Epstein-Barr Virus Infectious Mononucleosis,” by Mark H. Ebell, M.D., M.S. Dr. Ebell, AFP’s deputy editor for evidence-based medicine, notes that infectious mononucleosis should be suspected in patients 10 to 30 years of age who present with fever and sore throat, particularly if they also have significant anterior cervical adenopathy, significant fatigue, posterior cervical adenopathy, inguinal adenopathy, splenomegaly, or palatal petechiae. A patient information handout appears on page 1289: “Things to Know About Infectious Mononucleosis.”
Other timely topics in infectious diseases include a “Clinical Inquiries” report from the Family Practice Inquiries Network: “What Is the Best Antiviral Agent for Influenza Infection?” on page 1331. You may also want to take advantage of the patient information collection on influenza that appears in this issue, starting on page 1341: “Flu and Colds,” “Flu Vaccinations,” and “Antibiotics: When They Can and Can’t Help.”
• Topics in Women’s Health. Starting on page 1303, see topics in women’s health, including “Blunt Trauma in Pregnancy,” by Nancy Beth Grossman, M.D. Dr. Grossman notes that trauma is the most common cause of nonobstetric death among pregnant women in the United States. All pregnant women with traumatic injury should be assessed formally in a medical setting. Prevention of trauma through proper use of seat belts and recognition of domestic violence is important. A patient information handout on seat belt use during pregnancy appears on page 1313.
On page 1397, you can find other topics in women’s health, including reports in “Practice Guidelines” on “ACOG Releases Guidelines for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery” and “First-Trimester Screening for Genetic Defects.”
• Adolescent Health. For issues affecting adolescents, see the “AAP Report on Adolescent Sexuality” in “Practice Guidelines,” on page 1402, and the Cochrane report entitled “Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV,” on page 1268.
These are but a few of the main topic areas covered in a single issue of AFP, where we try to provide something for everyone.