Am Fam Physician. 2005;72(11):2285
See related article on constipation.
What is constipation?
Constipation is when you have fewer bowel movements than usual. You also may have hard, dry stools. If you don’t have a bowel movement every day, this does not mean you are constipated. Constipation usually means you have fewer than three stools each week.
Who gets constipated and why?
Anyone can get constipated, but it happens most often to older adults and to women who are pregnant. Constipation can happen when stool moves too slowly through the body. Too much water from the stool is then soaked up into your bowels and leads to hard, dry stools.
Constipation can be caused by changes in diet, by not enough exercise, and by some medicines and illnesses.
How can I tell if I have constipation?
If you are constipated, you may have bowel movements fewer than three times a week and have hard, dry stools. You may also feel the need to strain with bowel movements. You may have stomach pain or fullness, bloating, or the feeling of rectal pressure. You may feel like your bowels have not been fully emptied. If you have any changes in your usual bowel pattern, talk to your doctor.
How can my doctor tell the cause of my constipation?
You should keep a day-by-day list to track the number, hardness, and pattern of your stools. Your doctor will ask you questions and examine you to find out what is causing your constipation. If the cause is unclear, your doctor may run some tests. One cause of constipation is a blockage of the intestines. An x-ray may be ordered by your doctor to find out for sure.
What can I do if I am constipated?
There are several things you can do to help keep your stools regular:
Add more fiber to your diet. Fiber is found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads, and high-fiber cereal.
Drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day.
Exercise every day.
Try to have a bowel movement at about the same time every day. A good time is first thing in the morning or after meals.
If these things do not help, your doctor may recommend that you take a laxative or medicine to soften your stools.