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Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(5):751-752

Clinical review articles published in AFP go through a rigorous peer review process before they are accepted for publication. This type of review process is one of the hallmarks of a highly respected, accurate, credible publication. Every clinical review article is scrutinized by several reviewers, including at least two family physicians. Last year, 425 reviewers donated their time by reviewing at least one AFP article.

Editor Jay Siwek, M.D., oversees the review process and conducts a preliminary review of every manuscript submitted. If he determines that the manuscript merits acceptance into the peer review system, he sends it to selected reviewers. They methodically evaluate the manuscript, which often requires hours of research and effort. The reviewers’ detailed evaluations and commentaries are returned to Dr. Siwek, who determines whether the manuscript is worthy of further consideration. Because of the substantial amount of time a review may require, AFP reviewers may receive up to two Prescribed credits per review. That, and our sincere thanks, are small compensation for their contributions to ensuring AFP’s continued quality.

The reviewers listed below are those who completed article peer reviews during 2005. We thank them for their contributions to AFP.

2005 Reviewers

Albert Aboulafia, M.D.Jacob L. Bidwell, M.D.Anders Carlsson, M.D.Robert Corillo, M.D.Nipa R. Doshi, M.D.
Neil Abramson, M.D.Kenneth Bielak, M.D.Chuck Carter, M.D.Eric E. Coris, M.D.Patrick T. Dowling, M.D.
Joyce Adams, M.D.Wendy Biggs, M.D.Baretta Casey, M.D.Erik Cornel, M.D.Marguerite Duane, M.D.
Andrew Ahmann, M.D.Bernadette Biondi, M.D.Fredrick Cason, M.D.Patricia A. Cornett, M.D.Howard Dubowitz, M.D.
Firas H. Al-Kawas, M.D.Nina R. Birnbaum, M.D.John Cassels, M.D.A.U. Courtney, M.D.Annette Due, Ph.D.
Hany Aly, M.D.Barbra Blair, M.D.Sara Cate, M.D.Tina M. Cowan, Ph.D.Janice Dutcher, M.D.
Shilpa H. Amin, M.D.Alan Blum, M.D.Bill Cayley, M.D.Amy Crawford, M.D.Sam Dworkin, M.D.
Vijay Anand, M.D.Charles Bolan, M.D.Marc Cendron, M.D.William Crow, M.D.Kim A. Eagle, M.D.
Paul Angulo-Hernandez, M.D.Robert Bonakdar, M.D.Hank Chambers, M.D.Loren A. Crown, M.D.Martin Eichelberger, M.D.
Jack Anon, M.D.Glen M. Bowen, M.D.Richard Chan, M.D.Brian Crownover, M.D.William Elder, Ph.D.
Osep Armagan, M.D.Kraig S. Bower, M.D.William Chapman, M.D.Larry Culpepper, M.D.Mitchell Elkind, M.D.
Bala Audu, M.D.John Brancato, M.D.Cheryl Chessick, M.D.Adnan S. Dajani, M.D.Joseph C. English, M.D.
Glen Aukerman, M.D.John Brandt, M.D.Sufen Chiu, M.D.Mel P. Daly, M.D.Edzard Ernst, M.D.
Steven K. Aung, M.D.Richard D. Brasington, M.D.Tsu-Yi Chuang, M.D.James M. Daniels, M.D.Susanna Esposito, M.D.
Lodovico Balducci, M.D.Debra L. Breneman, M.D.Carol Churchill, M.D.Peter G. Danis, M.D.Omolare Fakunle, M.D.
Mikhail Bargan, M.D.Lawrence H. Brent, M.D.Robert L. Cirillo, M.D.Paul Dassow, M.D.Thomas Fekete, M.D.
Riad Barmada, M.D.Robert T. Brodell, M.D.Deidre Clark, M.D.Patrick Davol, M.D.Steven Feldman, M.D.
Philip Barnett, M.D.H. James Brownlee, M.D.Nina M. Clark, M.D.Peter Dawson, M.D.Enrique S. Fernandez, M.D.
Joel Bass, M.D.Matthew J. Budoff, M.D.Richard Clark, M.D.Darwin D. Deen Jr., M.D.Davide Festi, M.D.
Allison Batchelor, M.D.Harvey Bumpers, M.D.Terry Clark, M.D.Patchen E. Dellinger, M.D.Karen Filkins, M.D.
David Bazzo, M.D.Martin Burke, M.D.Joe Clarke, M.D.Chris T. Derk, M.D.Reginald Finger, M.D.
Rajesh Behl, M.D.Harold A. Burnham, M.D.Timothy L. Clenney, M.D.Marvin Dewar, M.D.Eric M. Finley, M.D.
Charles Bellows, M.D.Lucinda M. Buys, M.D.Richard D. Clover, M.D.Douglas M. Dewire, M.D.Anthony M. Fiore, M.D.
Selim R. Benbadis, M.D.Tim Byers, Pharm.D.Philip J. Cohen, M.D.Gurpreet Dhaliwal, M.D.Melanie A. Fisher, M.D.
James Berenson, M.D.J.P. Callen, M.D.Steve Cohn, M.D.Joshua B. DiCarlo, M.D.Alan B. Fleischer, M.D.
George R. Bergus, M.D.Thomas L. Campbell, M.D.Kathy Cole-Kelly, M.S.Lori M. Dickerson, Pharm.D.Stephen P. Flynn, M.D.
Steven Berman, M.D.Timothy P. Canavan, M.D.Nancy A. Collop, M.D.Steven C. Dilsaver, M.D.Jennifer E. Frank, M.D.
Subhash C. Bhatia, M.D.Dennis A. Cardone, M.D.Marc Conrad, M.D.James S. Distelhorst, M.D.Andrew A. Freiberg, M.D.
Frances Biagioli, M.D.Peter J. Carek, M.D.Amy L. Copeland, M.D.Magdelene Dohil, M.D.Linda French, M.D.
Carlos Gadia, M.D.Olusegun A. Ishmael, M.D.Judith Marlett, M.D.David A. Quillen, M.D.Lesley Stevens, M.D.
Paul M. Gahlinger, M.D.Hassan Ismail, M.D.Cara Marshall, M.D.Sanjay Ramakumar, M.D.Jonathan T. Stewart, M.D.
Eric P. Gall, M.D.Anthony F. Jerant, M.D.Ralph A. Martin, M.D.Dino W. Ramzi, M.D.Kirsten Stoesser, M.D.
Matthew Gammons, M.D.Brian Johnson, M.D.Raymond A. Martin, M.D.David A. Randall, M.D.Neil Stone, M.D.
Ray Gariano, M.D.Cameron Johnson, M.D.Santhi Masilamani, Pharm.D.Richard Rankl, M.D.Gregg Stoner, M.D.
Jaime R. Garza, M.D.David E. Johnston, M.D.Karen Mason, M.D.Rick Rawson, M.D.Amy L. Stump, Pharm.D.
Robert Gauer, M.D.Leila Kahwati, M.D.Wilbert Mason, M.D.Mary Revenis, M.D.Sandra M. Sulik, M.D.
Peter Gerbino, M.D.Fouad Kandeel, M.D.Michael F. Mazzone, M.D.Margaret Rick, M.D.Annette Sunga, M.D.
James M. Gill, M.D.Gary Kaplan, M.D.David McBride, M.D.Arthur Rifkin, M.D.Sam Sunshine, M.D.
Norman Ginsberg, M.D.Bernard Karnath, M.D.Patrick E. McBride, M.D.Richard G. Roberts, M.D.Jerry Swanson, M.D.
Marilyn K. Glassberg, M.D.David A. Katerndahl, M.D.Myrtle McCulloch, R.O.Beatrix Roemheld-Hamm,John M. Swegle, Pharm.D.
Jonathan Goldfarb, M.D.Michael G. Kavan, Ph.D.Thomas J. McGarrity, M.D.M.D.Amir Sweha, M.D.
Andrea Gordon, M.D.Zeid Kayali, M.D.Kelly McGarry, M.D.Michael J. Rohrer, M.D.Rundsarah M. Tahboub, M.D.
Nicholas Gove, M.D.Amor Khachemoune, M.D.Ed McKone, M.D.Matt T. Rosenberg, M.D.Alfred J. Tallia, M.D.
Mark A. Graber, M.D.Ann Khalsa, M.D.Peter Meacher, M.D.J. Thomas Rosenthal, M.D.William O. Tatum, M.D.
Maury J. Greenberg, M.D.Akram Khan, M.D.Susan Y. Melvin, D.O.Caroline M. Rudnick, M.D.Jack Taunton, M.D.
Donald Greydanus, M.D.Niharika Khanna, M.D.Franz Messerli, M.D.Mark Rumbak, M.D.Alvin Teirstein, M.D.
Phillip Gribble, Ph.D.Vikram Khoshoo, M.D.Tony Miksanek, M.D.Bruce Runyon, M.D.Penny Tenzer, M.D.
Thomas Griebling, M.D.David Kiefer, M.D.Jeff Milks, M.D.Sturt Rupke, M.D.Carla Newbern Thomas, M.D.
Elena Grigorenko, M.D.Jeffrey T. Kirchner, M.D.Paul Millea, M.D.John Russell, M.D.Isabelle Thomas, M.D.
Kenneth J. Grimm, M.D.Daniel Knight, M.D.Marvin Miller, M.D.Camille Sabella, M.D.Ken Tilashalski, M.D.
Linda Grossman, M.D.Doug Knutson, M.D.Matthew Mintz, M.D.Sundeep Salvi, M.D.Hans Tiselius, M.D.
Rose Guilbe, M.D.Tim Koch, M.D.Paul Mongale, M.D.Andras Sandor, M.D.James M. Turnbull, M.D.
John G. Gums, Pharm.D.Charles Kodner, M.D.Thomas Moore, M.D.Karen SantaCruz, M.D.Monte C. Uyemura, M.D.
Rick Guthman, M.D.Peter Kolettis, M.D.Vincent Morelli, M.D.Robert B. Saper, M.D.Maria Valente, M.D.
Greg P. Gutierrez, M.D.Peter Kouides, M.D.Anne L. Mounsey, M.D.Howell Sasser, Ph.D.Sandy Vasavada, M.D.
David Hahn, M.D.Brian Krabak, M.D.Assad Movahed, M.D.Siegfried Schmidt, M.D.Charles Vega, M.D.
John D. Hainsworth, M.D.Thirumala Krishna, M.D.Jane Murray, M.D.Knut Schroeder, M.D.Santhi S. Vege, M.D.
Peter Ham, M.D.Pallavi P. Kumar, M.D.Richard E. Neiberger, M.D.Arnold L. Schroeter, M.D.Jean-Claude Veille, M.D.
William Hanley, M.D.Tony Y. Kuo, M.D.Christoph Neumayer, M.D.Johannes Schwarz, M.D.Fred Volkmar, M.D.
Lisa Hark, Ph.D.Nicos Labropoulos, M.D.David S. Newberger, M.D.Dean Seehusen, M.D.Bruce Wampold, M.D.
Kimberly G. Harmon, M.D.David N. LaMond, D.O.Mark W. Niedfeldt, M.D.Mariko Seishima, M.D.John S. Warner, M.D.
Alex Harrison, M.D.Forrest Lang, M.D.Stephen F. Noll, M.D.Sumi M. Sexton, M.D.C. Wayne Weart, Pharm.D.
Stephen Harrison, M.D.Robert C. Langan, M.D.John A. Noviasky, Pharm.D.Ronald Sham, M.D.Jeffrey M. Weinberg, M.D.
Katherine Hartmann, M.D.Thomas M. Larsen, M.S.C.Theodore X. O’Connell, M.D.Lisa K. Sharp, Ph.D.Mea A. Weinberg, M.D.
Edward P. Havranek, M.D.Sandra Lauriat, M.D.Michael L. O’Dell, M.D.Allen F. Shaughnessy,Joel Weinstein, M.D.
Paul G. Hazen, M.D.Frank A. Lederle, III, M.D.Robert C. Oh, M.D.Pharm.D.W. H. Weiske, M.D.
John M. Heath, M.D.Emil P. Lesho, D.O.Jill Ohar, M.D.Preston Shelton, D.D.S.Barry D. Weiss, M.D.
Joel J. Heidelbaugh, M.D.Alexander K. C. Leung, M.D.John W. O’Kane, M.D.John C. Shepherd, M.D.Victoria Werth, M.D.
Angel Hernandez, M.D.Desiree A. Lie, M.D.Arthur Ollendorf, M.P.H.Kevin M. Sherin, M.D.Andrea M. Wessell, Pharm.D.
Emily Herndon, M.D.Robert Like, M.D.J. David Osguthorpe, M.D.William B. Shore, M.D.Jessica White, M.D.
Mark L. Higdon, D.O.Kenneth W. Lin, M.D.Mark T. Palermo, M.D.James Shwayder, M.D.Phil Wiffen, Pharm.D.
James C. Higgins, D.O.Per Lindmarker, M.D.Amit Girish Pandya, M.D.Michael Siatkowski, M.D.Allan J. Wilke, M.D.
Przemyslaw Hirszel, M.D.Jennifer Lochner, M.D.Frank Pelosi, M.D.Jeff A. Simerville, M.D.Kristin Wingfield, M.D.
David L. Hoff, M.D.Ray Lord, M.D.Bernadette Pendergraph,John W. Simon, M.D.Peter Winn, M.D.
Virginia Hofmann, M.D.Julie Lumeng, M.D.M.D.Susan Snyder, M.D.Thomas E. Wiswell, M.D.
Fernando Holguin, M.D.John H. Lynch, M.D.Adam Perrin, M.D.Heloisa Soares, M.D.Catherine M. Wittgen, M.D.
McDonald Horne, M.D.Scott Lynch, M.D.John L. Pfenninger, M.D.Edgardo Somigliana, M.D.Pal Wolner-Hanssen, M.D.
Jenn-Jeih Hsu, M.D.Scott A. Magnes, M.D.Michael Pichichero, E.M.D.Dan Sontheimer, M.D.Kimberly Workowski, M.D.
John Huang, M.D.Morris Maizels, M.D.Paul Pisarik, M.D.Vincent Sorrell, M.D.James Wright, M.D.
Martin Huelsmann, M.D.Barbara A. Majeroni, M.D.Max Pittler, M.D.Jeanne P. Spencer, M.D.Patrick R. Yassini, M.D.
Gregory D. Huhn, M.D.Alan Malabanan, M.D.Gregory Poland, M.D.James Spies, M.D.Therese Zink, M.D.
Melissa H. Hunter, M.D.Geeta Malik, M.D.Jose M. Porcel, M.D.Gerard David Spoelhof, M.D.Elvin G. Zook, M.D.
Aneela N. Hussain, M.D.Augustine M. Manadan, M.D.Donya Powers, M.D.Jill Steinsiek, M.D.Kathleen A. Zoppi, M.D.
Timothy Ingall, M.D.Dawn A. Marcus, M.D.Glen Preminger, M.D.Khatuna Stepkovitch, M.D.
Jon Isaacson, M.D.William Marks, M.D.Sandhya Pruthi, M.D.George Stergiou, M.D.

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