Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(6):785-786
The peer review system used for AFP manuscripts helps ensure that the published content is of the highest standards. Manuscripts submitted to AFP go through this process before it's decided whether they will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts are initially reviewed by Jay Siwek, M.D., editor, for suitability and adherence to AFP guidelines. If a manuscript's content is judged to be appropriate for AFP, it is sent to several peer reviewers, including at least two family physicians. In addition, manuscripts are reviewed by at least two specialists in other disciplines, or family physicians who have expertise in the subject. To facilitate candid comments and objectivity, the peer review system is double-blind (i.e., the authors do not know the reviewer's identity, and the reviewers do not know the manuscript author's name).
Reviewers methodically evaluate the manuscript, which often requires hours of research and effort. The reviewers' detailed evaluations are returned to Dr. Siwek who, along with AFP's other medical editors, determines whether the manuscript should be considered for publication. The AFP peer reviewers volunteer their valuable time to help us ensure the quality of AFP content. Because of the substantial amount of time a review may require, AFP reviewers may receive up to two Prescribed credits per review. If you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for AFP, please e-mail a note of interest toafpjournal@georgetown.edu.
We thank the reviewers listed below, each of whom reviewed at least one manuscript during 2006, for their important input, advice, and support.
Suraj Achar, M.D. Stephen M. Adams, M.D. Lenard Adler, M.D. Anita Agarwal, M.D. Richard Aghababian, M.D. Firas H. Al-Kawas, M.D. Deborah I. Allen, M.D. Martin A. Alpert, M.D. Shilpa H. Amin, M.D. Eric L. Anderson, M.D. I. Corri Baill, M.D. M. Douglas Baker, M.D. David Bamberger, M.D. Charles Bellows, M.D. Selim R. Benbadis, M.D. Timothy Benton, M.D. George R. Bergus, M.D. David Bernstein, M.D. John G. Bertolino, M.D. Melanie Biggs, Ph.D. Arthur T. Blain, M.D. Barbra Blair, M.D. Marianne Boltz, O.D. Robert Bonakdar, M.D. Carolyn A. Bondy, M.D. Sheila Bouldin, M.D. John Brancato, M.D. Bertie M. Bregman, M.D. Candace Brown, Pharm.D. Kelton Burbank, M.D. Harold A. Burnham, M.D. Preston B. Cannady, Jr., M.D. Randy Canterbury, M.D. Dennis A. Cardone, M.D. Peter J. Carek, M.D. Sara Cate, M.D. Bill Cayley, M.D. Richard Chan, M.D. John Charles, M.D. Ru-fong Cheng, M.D. Bradley Chipps, M.D. Terrance Clark, M.D. Nancy A. Collop, M.D. Joseph Congeni, M.D. Tina M. Cowan, Ph.D. Laurie Crain, M.D. Amy Crawford, M.D. Julia Crim, M.D. Larry Culpepper, M.D. Whit Curry, Jr., M.D. Yaron Dagan, M.D. James M. Daniels, M.D. Patrick Davol, M.D. Chris T. Derk, M.D. Kenneth R. Devault, M.D. Richard Deyo, M.D. James S. Distelhorst, M.D. Ann Doberstein, M.D. Annabel Drew, M.D. Marguerite Duane, M.D. Margaret M. Eberl, M.D. Jason C. Eck, M.S. Jennifer Eddy, M.D. John A. Edwards, M.D. David Eibling, M.D. M. James Eliades, M.D. Mitchell Elkind, M.D. Stephen Entman, M.D. Christian P. Erickson, M.D. Edzard Ernst, M.D. Michael E. Ernst, Pharm.D. Neil T. Feldman, M.D. Edward R. Feller, M.D. Melanie A. Fisher, M.D. Robert S. Fisher, M.D. Jennifer E. Frank, M.D. Christian Fras, M.D. Hugh Freeman, M.D. Jyotsom Ganatra, M.D. David Garzarelli, M.D. | Lucy Glenn, M.D. Angela L. Godejohn, M.D. Alice Gong, M.D. Edward Grace, D.D.S. J. Christopher Graves, M.D. David Green, M.D. Maury J. Greenberg, M.D. Donald Greydanus, M.D. Cecilia Gutierrez, M.D. Greg P. Gutierrez, M.D. Judella Haddad, M.D. Karen Hall, M.D. Peter Ham, M.D. William Hanley, M.D. Robert Hatch, M.D. Cathryn B. Heath, M.D. Stephen E. Helms, M.D. William Hennrikus, M.D. D. Ashley Hill, M.D. Caroline Hobbs James D. Hoehns, Pharm.D. Richard Holloway, Ph.D. Mark Hutchens, M.D. Jon Isaacson, M.D. Natasa Janicic, M.D. Anthony F. Jerant, M.D. Lara Johnson, M.D. Troy A. Johnston, M.D. Thom Kalapura, M.D. Richard T. Katz, M.D. Michael G. Kavan, M.D. Chris Keenan, M.D. James P. Kemp, M.D. Amor Khachemoune, M.D. Richard J. Kim, M.D. Scott Kinkade, M.D. Simon Kipersztok, M.D. Jeffrey T. Kirchner, D.O. Susan Klugman, M.D. Roger H. Kobayashi, M.D. Peter Kolettis, M.D. Polyxeni D. Koutkia-Mylonakis, M.D. Jeffrey R. Kovan, D.O. Brian Krabak, M.D. Tony Y. Kuo, M.D. Robert C. Langan, M.D. Mark Lavallee, M.D. Kim Edward LeBlanc, M.D. Fei-Peng Lee, M.D. John Lipson Elizabeth G. Livingston, M.D. Vincent Lo Re, M.D. Aidan Long, M.D. John D. Lubahn, M.D. Victor Lun, M.D. Augustine Manadan, M.D. Thomas Mangan, M.D. David Mannino, M.D. Eron Grant Manusov, M.D. Dawn A. Marcus, M.D. Katherine Margo, M.D. Jocelyn Martel, M.D. David Martin, M.D. Jeanette H. Matthews, M.D. Carol A. McCarthy, M.D. Thomas J. McGarrity, M.D. Dominic McKinley, M.D. Toni McLaurin, M.D. James Millar, M.D. Larry Millikan, M.D. Matthew Mintz, M.D. Alai J. Montegut, M.D. Thomas Morgan, M.D. Anne L. Mounsey, M.D. John Muench, M.D. Daniel J. Murphy, M.D. Eleftherios Mylonakis, M.D. Arwa Nasir, M.D. Lewis Nelson, M.D. Audrey R. Newell, M.D. Gregory P. Neyman, M.D. Francis G. O'Connor, M.D. Michael Ostapchuk, M.D. | Deborah Outwater, M.D. Sebastiaan Overeem, M.D. Yinka Oyelese, M.D. James F. Pagel, Jr., M.D. Wayne F. Peate, M.D. Bernadette Pendergraph, M.D. Joseph H. Piatt, M.D. Paul Pisarik, M.D. Gina P. Pittard, M.D. Susan M. Pollart, M.D. Thomas B. Poulton, M.D. David A. Quillen, M.D. Shobha Rao, M.D. Alex Reed, Psy.D. Suzanne Reuter, M.D. David Ring, M.D. Luther Robinson, M.D. Tena Rosser, M.D. Mary Elizabeth Roth, M.D. Mark Rubinstein, M.D. Sy A. Saeed, M.D. Brooke Salzman, M.D. Rafik Samuel, M.D. M. Catherine Sargent, M.D. Noah Schenkman, M.D. James A. Schneid, M.D. Craig Schneider, M.D. Dean Seehusen, M.D. Mariko Seishima, M.D. John W. Simon, M.D. Manoj Singh, M.D. Richard Sisson Amit Sood, M.D. Paul J. Sponseller, M.D. Sharon Stancliff, M.D. Mark B. Stephens, M.D. James J. Stevermer, M.D. James Stewart, M.D. Jonathan T. Stewart, M.D. Ruth B. Stewart, M.D. Kirsten Stoesser, M.D. Neil Stone, M.D. Naomi Stotland, M.D. Daniel Stulberg, M.D. Margaret A. Stull, M.D. Barbara Supanich, M.D. Geoffrey R. Swain, M.D. Christopher E. Swide, M.D. Jack Taunton, M.D. Josie L. Tenore, M.D. Michael Thorpy, M.D. J. Brantley Thrasher, M.D. Elizabeth Toh, M.D. Silvina B. Tonarelli, M.D. Carolyn Torkelson, M.D. Thomas Trojian, M.D. Richard S. Tubbs, M.D. James M. Turnbull, M.D. Ashok Tuteja, M.D. Monte C. Uyemura, M.D. Pamela Vick, M.D. Paul F. Vinger, M.D. Michael Vitale, M.D. Edward E. Walsh, M.D. Daniel Wattendorf, M.D. Eric D. Weichel, M.D. Mea A. Weinberg, D,M.D. Roberta Weintraut, M.D. David G. Weismiller, M.D. Margaret Weiss, M.D. Caroline Wellbery, M.D. Claire Wheeler, M.D. Thomas E. Wiswell, M.D. Elina Yamada, M.D. Barbara Yawn, M.D. Denniz Zolnoun, M.D. Elvin G. Zook, M.D. |