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    Learning Objectives

    Key Practice Recommendations


    Evaluation of a First Seizure

    Seizure is one of the most common neurologic conditions in children, occurring most often in the first year of life. Identification of provoking factors, such as fever, illness, head trauma, electrolyte disturbance, or central nervous system infection, is important for...

    Epilepsy Management

    Epilepsy is the most common neurologic condition in children and is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy can be diagnosed after a first unprovoked seizure if characteristic clinical and electroencephalographic features suggest a high risk of future...

    Movement Disorders

    Most movement disorders in children are hyperkinetic. The most common type is tic disorders, which can involve motor and phonic tics and are classified as simple or complex. Motor or phonic tics that persist for more than 1 year are defined as persistent (chronic) tic...

    Neuroanatomic Abnormalities

    Abnormal head shape and size often are apparent in infancy and typically are noted by caregivers or by clinicians on physical examination. Positional plagiocephaly consists of deformation of the skull not associated with an underlying skull fusion abnormality. This should be...



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