The website may be down at times on Saturday, January 11, and Sunday, January 12, for maintenance. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions


    How do I contact FPM?

    Email the editors at, or see additional contact information.

    What is FPM?

    FPM, formerly Family Practice Management, is an editorially independent, peer-reviewed journal published six times a year by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Its mission is to give family physicians the tools and information they need to build better practices and improve patient care.

    Is the FPM website open to anyone?

    Yes, but online access to new issues is restricted to AAFP members and paid subscribers. The content of each issue is made freely available about one year after publication. For access to restricted content, please consider subscribing to the journal or joining the AAFP.

    Where can I find information about subscribing to the print edition?

    Subscription information is available online or by calling 800-274-2237. AAFP members can susbscribe for a discounted price.

    What is an FPM "tool"?

    An FPM tool is any form, flow sheet, coding guide, protocol, patient handout, financial calculator, or survey that FPM publishes to help family physicians improve their practices. All of the FPM tools are available in the FPM Toolbox, which is updated with each issue.

    How do I submit an article to FPM?

    For specific information about what types of articles we're interested in, how to submit an article, how we select articles for publication, and how our editing process works, see our Authors' Guide.

    How can I find out if my article has been accepted or when it will be published?

    The time from submission to acceptance or rejection is typically six to eight weeks, although revision requests may lengthen the process. The time from acceptance to publication can vary from a few months to one year. For more information about this process, see our Authors' Guide.

    How do I change the address on my subscription?

    To receive your journal at a new address, you must notify us of your change in address at least six weeks in advance to ensure uninterrupted delivery of FPM. E-mail your address change to or make the change online.

    Can I purchase back issues?

    Yes. Prices vary depending on the number of back issues you'd like to order. Get more information about purchasing back issues.

    Can I receive CME credit for reading FPM?

    AAFP members and print edition subscribers can complete the CME quiz online to earn CME credit for each issue of FPM. Quizzes for the past year are available.