Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(2):12
To the Editor:
I am concerned that this article makes readers think that most nurse practitioners want independent practices. I don't believe this is true.
I think most nurse practitioners want a collaborative relationship with physicians instead of supervision. This team approach allows us to offer high-quality care while retaining responsibility for our decisions. If all our work or our prescription writing has to be directly supervised by a physician, or if a physician is responsible for the care we provide, a nurse practitioner is a hindrance instead of a help.
Don't assume that nurse practitioners are seeking statutory prescriptive authority and collaborative (as opposed to supervised) agreements in order to practice independently. Changes to states' nurse practice acts are sought to allow nurse practitioners to provide patient care more effectively and efficiently.
Editor's note: This letter is a response to “Nurse Practitioners: Growing Competition for Family Physicians?” in our October 1998 issue.