Fam Pract Manag. 2010;17(2):14
Why can't reform be simple at first and fine-tuned later? (See White B. Noteworthy Blog. Leawood, Kan: FPM/AAFP. Dec. 23, 2009. Available from: http://blogs.aafp.org/fpm/noteworthy/entry/how_will_health_care_reform.) Cost reduction (i.e., rationing by another name) would occur later. Five steps would achieve coverage and fairness: 1. Implement community ratings over a wide area (e.g., northern Indiana), 2. Eliminate pre-existing condition exclusions, 3. Shift tax credits for insurance to employees from employers, 4. Offer tax credits for the working poor, and 5. Allow insurance across state lines.
I would think Democrats and Republicans would get behind this. Apparently, they're more interested in gaining political points than helping the American people.