• Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Program

    Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®) is an evidence-based, interprofessional, multidisciplinary training program that equips the entire pregnancy care team with skills to effectively manage obstetric emergencies. This comprehensive course encourages a standardized team-based approach among physicians, residents, nurse midwives, registered nurses and other members of the pregnancy care team to improve patient safety and positively affect maternal outcomes. The course format is a blended classroom, which allows learners to work at their own pace to complete the online course portion prior to the live course skills assessment portion.

    ALSO Program Logo
    Pregnant woman showing belly with hands on belly

    Your first stop to finding answers to all your questions regarding Sponsoring, Attending, or Instructing an ALSO Course.  Find tips to navigate course preparation through completion, dashboard navigation and other information...

    ALSO Learner Questions
    ALSO Sponsor Questions
    ALSO Instructor Questions
    ALSO Course Dashboard Questions and Troubleshooting

    Access Status Wallet Cards, Requirements, and Letters of Participation

    The ALSO Course curriculum is culturally and globally adaptable to be relevant in the country where the course is being held. Only courses in the United States and the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico are tracked by the AAFP. Please contact the Women’s Health team to learn more about the course.

    Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
    The ABOG MOC standards now allow participation in ABOG-approved Simulation Courses to meet the annual Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV) MOC requirement. This course has been approved to meet ABOG Improvement in Medical Practice requirements until Dec. 31, 2025. Please review the current MOC Bulletin for further information: ABOG Bulletins.

    Continuing Nursing Education
    The American Academy of Family Physicians is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for nursing contact hours applicable for APRN, RN or LPN
    relicensure. This is an advanced-level course and may not be suitable for all general continuing nursing education

    The Basic Life Support in Obstetrics (BLSO) curriculum has been adapted from the ALSO Course content to meet the unique needs of first responders, ER staff, students, nurses, physicians and other professionals who may engage with pregnant individuals experiencing emergencies. Participants will learn basic delivering skills as well as stabilizing tactics for obstetric emergencies.


    AAFP Women’s Health Team (ALSO/BLSO)
    Email: also@aafp.org
    Phone: (800) 274-2237