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July 15, 2021, 3:55 p.m. News Staff — Family physicians who are active in global health issues and have strong leadership skills have the opportunity to apply for consideration as the next regional president for the North America Region of the World Organization of Family Doctors, better known as Wonca.
The AAFP is seeking nominations for North America Region president for the 2021-2023 biennial cycle, which begins at the virtual Wonca World Conference in November.
This volunteer opportunity is open to AAFP active members with leadership experience and a track record of work in global health, either in the United States or internationally. The strongest applicants will be those who can point to success in advancing health equity and working with other organizations related to global health.
Wonca (the name stands for the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians) is made up of about 500,000 family physicians in 131 countries and territories. The organization collaborates with the World Health Organization and other groups around the world.
The president of the North America Region leads family physicians in the United States, Canada and English-speaking Caribbean countries, and also serves on the Wonca World Executive Council with other regional leaders. Responsibilities of the regional presidency include meeting via teleconference every four to six weeks and attending a two- to three-day in-person meeting every six to eight months.
This is a volunteer role that includes reimbursement for travel and accommodations, as well as a per diem, in accordance with Wonca policy for Wonca-approved travel.
Active members can submit an application online — including a personal interest statement, curriculum vitae and letter of recommendation from their chapter — through Aug. 6. For more information, email
Family physicians who are interested in global health issues are encouraged join the AAFP Global Health Member Interest Group and attend the AAFP Global Health Summit, which will be held virtually Oct. 20-22.