Am Fam Physician. 2006;74(5):696
The Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is again upon us. This year’s Assembly begins September 25 and continues through October 1 in Washington, D.C., and will offer several thousand family physicians, residents, and students the opportunity to attend presentations and workshops on the latest clinical developments and recommendations, medical technology, practice management, and career development. Lectures and workshops will address a variety of topics, including electronic health records, avian flu, terrorism, disaster preparedness, performance enhancing drugs, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease, depression, heart failure, and clinical procedures. There also will be a kickoff and focus on the 2007 Annual Clinical Focus on management of chronic illness.
Capitol Hill Rally
On September 27, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in “Vote for America’s Health,” the AAFP’s first-ever Capitol Hill Rally. The purpose of the rally is to urge Congress to put policies in place that will ensure that the patients of family physicians have the health care they need when they need it.
Meet the AFP Editors
The exhibit floor, featuring several hundred exhibitors, will be open from Thursday, September 28, to Saturday, September 30, and can provide solutions for your patients, practice, and career. Medical and professional editors from AFP and Family Practice Management will be available in the Academy’s Publications booth to answer any questions you may have about the journals, including how to submit an article or become a reviewer, and provide information about recent changes and updates to the journals. At the booth, we will be asking readers to fill out a one-page editorial survey on AFP’s content, the results of which will help us determine the journal’s direction. Working at the booth is a great opportunity for the staff of AFP to meet family physician readers, to learn what is going on in their clinics, residencies, and classrooms, and to find out about their likes and dislikes. Representatives of Annals of Family Medicine will be available in a nearby booth.

New Author Workshop
Barry Weiss, M.D., editor of Family Medicine, and Jay Siwek, M.D., editor of AFP will present a workshop for new authors. The workshop is designed for physicians who want to write clinical review and research articles for medical journals. It will focus on the basic steps involved in writing and preparing a manuscript, what happens to a manuscript after it is received in the editorial office, and how to respond effectively to comments from reviewers and editors.
If you would like additional information on this workshop, other lectures and workshops, or general information related to the Assembly, go tohttps://www.aafp.org/assembly. You can obtain manuscript instructions in AFP’s Authors Guide athttps://www.aafp.org/afp.
Reader Feedback
If you are unable to attend the Assembly or visit the Publications booth, you can always give us your feedback any time, via the AFP reader feedback card available in the “Clinical Quiz” section of the first issue of each month or by sending an e-mail toafpedit@aafp.org.