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  • CMS to give physicians information on CCM billing patterns

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will issue physicians a Comparative Billing Report (CBR) on Part B claims for chronic care management (CCM) later this month. CBRs analyze billing practices across geographic and service areas. Each CBR compares an individual physician’s billing practices for a specific code or group of codes (e.g., CCM) with the billing practices of that physician’s peers and national averages. Each CBR is unique to a single physician or other provider and is only available to that individual. The reports are not made public.

    Receiving a CBR is not an indication of, or precursor to, an audit. It requires no response on your part.

    CMS provides CBRs to help individual physicians understand how their data compares to the aggregate data of analogous physicians nationally, in their respective states, and in their respective peer groups. They’re meant to serve as educational resources to help physicians identify when their billing statistics differ from the majority of others. They’re also meant to help physicians better understand applicable Medicare billing rules and payment policies. Physicians can use CBRs to proactively assess any areas of increased risk/vulnerability (e.g., potential miscoding) and ensure accurate coding and compliance with Medicare payment policy.

    Look for an email from to access your report, if applicable. You can update your email address in the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System to ensure delivery.

    For more Information:

    — Kent Moore, Senior Strategist for Physician Payment, American Academy of Family Physicians

    Posted on Apr 22, 2021 by Kent Moore

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