• What family physicians are earning by region and by setting

    Demand for family physicians remains strong and income offers are rising, says a new report from physician recruitment firm Merritt Hawkins. Based on the firm’s 497 searches for family physicians in 2017-2018, the average income offer for family physicians was $241,000 per year, not including bonuses or benefits. The lowest offer was $165,000, and the highest was $400,000.

    Here’s how the average income data breaks out for family physicians by region and practice setting:

    Northeast $226,000
    Midwest $245,000
    Southeast $231,000
    Southwest $239,000
    West $242,000
    Academics $218,500
    Community health center $225,000
    Group $233,000
    Hospital $248,000
    Solo $312,000

    The report notes that most physician income offers (75 percent) involved a salary plus bonus. Most bonuses were based on RVUs (50 percent) or quality metrics (43 percent); however, quality determined only 8 percent of total physician compensation on average.

    Posted on Jun 15, 2018 by FPM Editors

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