Fam Pract Manag. 1998;5(5):11
To the Editor:
I very much enjoyed your article “Patient-Centered Care for Better Patient Adherence” (March 1998). Unfortunately, I think the author inadvertently omitted a couple of things that would have made the article complete. The article mentions Common Ground Solutions and Comsort but does not provide contact information for the organizations.
Second, two books by Frederic W. Platt, MD, are alluded to but without mention of their titles:
Conversation Failure: Case Studies in Doctor-Patient Communication. Tacoma, Wash: Life-Sciences Press; 1992.
Conversation Repair: Case Studies in Doctor-Patient Communication. Boston: Little, Brown & Co; 1995.
Editor's note:
To reach Common Ground Solutions, write to Debbie Bertram, 605 NE La Costa, Lee's Summit, MO 64064; or call 816-478-1711. Comsort's address is 2300 N. Charles St., Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21218-5137; its phone number is 410-467-1100.