Website maintenance is planned from 8:00 a.m. CDT Saturday, July 27, through 9:00 p.m. CDT Sunday, July 28. Brief disruptions may occur during this time.

  • Previous Year | Next Year

    2001 FPM Past Issues

    January 2001 

    EMR Vendor Survey

    Electronic Medical Records: The FPM Vendor Survey • New Directions in Health Care Financing • The Job Hunt: Interviewing 101 • 7 Steps to Medicare Compliance • New CPT Codes • Quality Improvement Tips • Diary of a Family Physician • Working Smarter Doesn’t Work

    February 2001


    The FPM Practice Self-Test • Getting the Most From Your Phone System • Strategic Planning Meeting • 14 Alternative Practice Styles • Coding Q&A • Waiving Co-pays and Deductibles • Preventive Care Flow Sheets • Time Management Exercise

    March 2001 


    What You Need to Know About HIPAA Now • 10 Questions for EMR Vendors • Tips for Easier Utilization Review • When Patients Use Alternative Medicine • Coding Q&A • How to Stop Hemorrhaging Red Ink • Family Orientation in Family Practice • Getting More From Voice Recognition

    April 2001 

    Physician Orientation

    Tailoring New Physicians to Fit Your Practice • 50 Useful Web Sites • Reducing Staff Turnover • How to Effect Legislative Change • Coding Q&A • Getting Paid for Diabetes Training • Priority-Setting • Ways to Limit Restrictive Covenants • Practice Diary

    May 2001 

    Stress of Being Sued

    Coping With the Stress of Being Sued • How One Group Gained $200,000 by Working Smarter • Six Easy Steps to a Low-Cost EMR • Implementing Clinical Guidelines • Getting Paid for Home Health Care Certification • Coding Q&A • Using a Palm-Top as a Reminder System • Spiritual Needs

    June 2001

    Health Plan Denials

    Making Sense of Health Plan Denials • Understanding a Balance Sheet • How to Manage Your Boss • New Medicare Screening Benefits • Coding Q&A • Rx for Lost Prescriptions • Forms Completion Using a Scanner • Palm-Tops at the Point of Care • Family Physicians’ Life Balance Tips

    July/August 2001 

    HIPAA Security Standards

    A Problem-Oriented Approach to the HIPAA Security Standards • Learning the Business of Medicine • Deposition Tips • How Your Medicare Regional Office Can Help You • Coding Q&A • Tips for Buying a Palm-Top Computer • Responding to an Unfavorable Quality Audit • Practice Diary • How to Protect Your Time

    September 2001 

    Re-examining Family Practice

    Is It Time to Re-examine Family Practice? • Tips for Better Web Browsing • 7 Reasons to Dictate in the Exam Room • Get Paid for Preop Services • Coding Q&A • Patient Handout: Understanding Your Health Plan • Participatory Decision Making • Using E-mail Discussion Lists • Blending Work and Family

    October 2001 

    Coding 99214

    How to Get All the 99214s You Deserve • Revolutionizing Office-Based Care • Preventing Diversion of Pain Medication • Tear-Out ICD-9 Coding Tool • Coding Q&A • Standardized Admit Orders • How to Download PDA Applications • Reflections from the Daughter of a Family Physician

    November/December 2001 

    Strategic Marketing

    Nine Steps to a Strategic Marketing Plan • The Ins and Outs of “Incident-To” Reimbursement • HIPAA and Code Set Standards • Four Medicare Myths Exposed • Coding Q&A • Medication Use Agreement • Ask FPM • Keeping a Journal