Website maintenance is planned from 8:00 a.m. CDT Saturday, July 27, through 9:00 p.m. CDT Sunday, July 28. Brief disruptions may occur during this time.

  • Previous Year | Next Year

    2007 FPM Past Issues

    January 2007

    Patient Satisfaction

    What Do We Really Know About Patient Satisfaction? • Level-II vs. Level-III Visits: Cracking the Codes • CPT 2007: New Codes, New Rules and New Opportunities • Grade Your Payers: The Final Call for Survey Responses • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Auld Lang Syne: Practice Management Resolutions for the New Year

    February 2007

    Medication Errors

    Simple Strategies to Avoid Medication Errors • What's New in Medicare Preventive Benefits • Six Tips for Improving Patient Satisfaction and Compliance • How to Successfully Navigate Your EHR Implementation • Coding & Documentation o Practice Pearls • The Dreaded Request for Medical Records

    March 2007 

    Vaccine Administration

    Vaccine Administration: Making the Process More Efficient in Your Practice • EHRs Fix Everything – and Nine Other Myths • Helping Your Patients Avoid Counterfeit Medicines • Is Moonlighting Right For You? • A Refresher on Coding Consultations • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Dealing With Medical Junk Mail

    April 2007

    Panel Size

    Panel Size: How Many Patients Can One Doctor Manage? • Electronic Health Records: The 2007 FPM User-Satisfaction Survey • Strategies for Developing a Knowledge-Driven Culture in Your Practice • How to Analyze Your E/M Coding Profile • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Health Care’s Giant Hairball

    May 2007

    Office Design

    Efficient Office Design for a Successful Practice • TransforMED Tries to Rebuild Family Medicine • Getting Beyond Blame • Family Medicine Meets the Blogosphere • How High-Low Agreements Work in a Malpractice Case • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Avoiding Ambiguous Documentation

    June 2007 

    Payer Survey Results

    A Report Card for 32 Payers: Not Making the Grade • Breaking Even on Four Patients Per Day • Huddles: Improve Office Efficiency in Mere Minutes • How to Manage Difficult Patient Encounters • Measuring for Medicare: The Physician Quality Reporting Initiative • Do We Need Primary Care? • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Balancing a Personal Life With OB Care

    July/August 2007 


    The Art of Apology: When and How to Seek Forgiveness • Are You Ready to Discuss Complementary and Alternative Medicine? • Billing for Medicare Part D Vaccines • Improving Care With an Automated Patient History • Passion: The Power of Family Medicine • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Making the Most of the Daily Commute

    September 2007 

    Medical Home

    The Medical Home: An Idea Whose Time Has Come ... Again • ICD-9 Changes: New Codes of Note • The Ideal Medical Practice Model: Improving Efficiency Quality and the Doctor-Patient Relationship • Seven Strategies for Creating a More Efficient Practice • Quick Ways to Maximize Your Office Space • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Rewarding Failure

    October 2007 

    Coding Flu Shots

    The Coding Flu Shots: Immunize Against Lost Revenue • Virtual Office Visits: A Reachable and Reimbursable Innovation • Are Your Patients Ready for Electronic Communication? • Recruiting and Retaining the Right Physicians • Rebuilding Family Medicine From the Foundation Up • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Moving Beyond "Noncompliance"

    November/December 2007 

    Referrals and Consults

    Optimizing Referrals and Consults With a Standardized Process • Payer Trend: ‘Tiering’ Physicians and 'Steering' Patients • Panel Size: Answers to Physicians' Frequently Asked Questions • The Makings of a Good Meeting • Baumol’s Disease • Coding & Documentation • Practice Pearls • Aiding the Wounded Among Us