Looking for tips on applications, interviews, ranking and more?
Watch our Applying to Family Medicine Residencies webinar and hear from the following experts as they share advice to navigate the Match process.
Still feeling a little stressed? Come back to these take away tips from Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, FAAFP.
Be authentically you in your Match process – from the personal statement to the interview.
Spend time considering what you need to be successful and how that matches programs.
Make time to experience the excitement and joy of reaching this milestone in your medical career.
Use Strolling Through the Match, the Residency Directory, and other AAFP resources to stay organized.
Mock interviews (virtual and in-person) can help you prepare to put your best foot forward.
Use the AAFP App to track details on who you met, and what was great or not-so-great about your day.
Strolling Through the Match
This essential Match guidebook is updated each year and includes checklists and advice on making the most of each year of medical school.
Family Medicine Residency Directory
Discover the right family medicine residency program for you by searching the AAFP's residency directory.
AAFP app
Research family medicine residencies, generate an interview question list, take notes on programs, and customize a scorecard to rank your favorite programs.
Residency Interview Guide
The guide features tips for planning your trips and preparing for interviews - including sample questions - as well as advice regarding virtual interviews.
National Conference
It's never to early to start considering your options. Come to National Conference each summer and meet more than 400 residency programs and experience what family medicine can do.
AAMC's Apply Smart data
This data can help you determine how many programs to apply to and avoid over- or under-applying.
Get familiar with the NRMP Match calendar
The NRMP, which conducts the Main Residency Match, provides updated calendars each year, and serves as a resource for Match rules, yearly trends, and more.