Am Fam Physician. 2022;106(5):485
Inaccurate Description. In the Photo Quiz, “Growing Mass in an Adolescent” (October 2021, p. 413), the term “flesh-colored” was used inaccurately numerous times. The seventh sentence of the introductory paragraph has been changed to “Physical examination revealed a skin-colored polypoid mass on the top of the patient’s head, above the parietal area (Figure 1).” The last sentence of the third paragraph of the Discussion section has been changed to “Like the other subtypes, dermal nevi can be hyperpigmented or pink or appear the same color as surrounding skin.” The second sentence of the fourth paragraph of the Discussion section has been changed to “They are usually the color of surrounding skin but can be hyperpigmented.” The first sentence of the fifth paragraph of the Discussion section has been changed to “Compound nevi are usually hyperpigmented or the color of surrounding skin with a smooth and elevated or warty surface.” The first sentence of the sixth paragraph of the Discussion section has been changed to “Junctional nevi are usually hyperpigmented and typically flat, but they can be slightly raised.” In the Summary table, the characteristics of acrochordon has been changed to “Often pedunculated, usually the color of surrounding skin but can be hyperpigmented”; the characteristics of compound nevi has been changed to “Hyperpigmented or the color of surrounding skin; smooth and elevated or warty; round or oval and symmetrical; hair may be present”; the characteristics of dermal nevi has been changed to “Shape and size vary; can be warty, polypoid, or pedunculated; hyperpigmented or pink or appear the same color as surrounding skin”; and the characteristics of junctional nevi has been changed to “Hyperpigmented; flat and round or oval with symmetrical borders; hairless.” The online version of this Photo Quiz has been corrected.