The website may be down at times on Saturday, February 15, and Sunday, February 16, for maintenance. 


    The Future of Health Care Financing

    Brandi White

    In most sectors of the U.S. economy, consumers control their dollars. What if that were to happen in health care?

    Interviewing 101

    Rebecca Ann Beach

    An on-site interview is your opportunity to assess how well your values and those of a potential employer align.

    Seven Steps to Medicare Compliance

    Mark S. Kennedy

    The OIG’s voluntary compliance guidance can help your solo or small group practice prevent fraud and abuse.

    Electronic Medical Records: The FPM Vendor Survey

    Susan Rehm, Susan Kraft

    The advent of Internet-based EMR systems gives you new options. Here we report on 23 conventional systems and five Internet-based ones.


    The EMR: Not Just a Computerized Chart

    Robert L. Edsall

    What do you think of when you think of electronic medical records (EMRs)? Your answer would almost certainly depend to a surprising degree on whether you already have experience with an EMR system. The fact is that EMRs have the potential to transform practice so thoroughly...


    Group inefficiency

    Are same-day visits the answer?

    Questionable terminology


    New Year, New Codes: Highlights From CPT and HCPCS 2001

    Kent J. Moore

    Changes in critical care, care plan oversight, lab services and vaccines are most likely to affect family physicians.


    Coding and Documentation

    Kent J. Moore

    Well-child visits | Teaching-physician services | Antepartum care only | E/M or consult? | Nursing facility consult | Typhoid vaccine | ED consult | Interpreting outside lab work



    Is quality of care getting more difficult to provide? | Inflation returns to health care; workers less concerned | Practice Pearls from here and there | More work, not much more pay | National database flawed | Can insurers sue patients? | Healing the healer | Surfing for...


    13 Months of Quality Improvement: Did It Work?

    Brandi White

    When 45 doctors and their staffs decide to redesign their diabetes care system, success comes one step at a time.


    Practice Diary

    Sanford J. Brown

    Paperwork | Professional courtesy | Urgent care without walls


    Ask FPM

    Kenneth Bowden, Dorothy R. Sweeney, Alice G. Gosfield, Gail Levy

    Accounting for capitation payments | Employment contracts | Payment for hospital committee work | Starting a practice


    Why Working Smarter Isn’t Working Anymore

    Pamela J. Vaccaro

    When you’re doing more and it still isn’t enough, it may be time to re-evaluate your priorities.


    All editors and editorial advisory board members in a position to control content for this activity, FPM journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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